The process takes the pressure off

There is more to technology than buy it, use it, break it, buy a new one – IT lifecycle management must consider the needs of the business, the budget and the growth ambition, to manage the purchase, usage and phasing out of assets. And a good IT lifecycle management process always begins with planning.

Our planning maintains your clients performance

After acquisition and deployment, the asset will perform optimally and the return on your investment will be high. People will be productive and performance will increase as the technology requires little maintenance and suffers little downtime.

As the technology ages, regular updates and upgrades will prolong its use at minimal cost, but you must always be planning its replacement to ensure any reduction in productivity does not outweigh the cost of replacement.

How we help

Waiting for assets to become obsolete or break is not an effective business strategy. We can provide validated plans and processes to manage the lifecycle of your client’s technology assets, supported by years of experience from a team that understands the benefits of a robust IT Lifecycle management plan, that offers:

  • Software to track devices
  • Physical checks of assets
  • Audit of all software licenses
  • Reports as required

Asset Flexibility

We support the management of a wide range of physical and digital assets, including, but not limited to desktops, server infrastructure, networking hardware, mobile and tablet devices, operating systems, bespoke software platforms, and much more.

Expert Guidance

Our teams track the full lifecycle of every digital product, which allows you to make informed decisions about upgrades and replacements to retain a competitive advantage.

Ongoing Care

We will oversee the asset management process and provide timely reminders when required, to remove the responsibility from your teams and ensure you get the right advice about the right assets to meet your clients’ goals.

Product Disposal

Once an asset needs to be phased out, our team will safely and securely remove unwanted assets, with careful consideration given to data security and legal compliance, with suitable hardware donated or disposed of.

Get in touch

For further information about our services and products, please get in touch with us, and one of our experts will be able to help get your quest on the way for better business performance.

E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0)203 102 7072

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